Basic Values & Rules

Table of Contents

Be safe, be honorable, know the rules.




  • 0800 – “Gates open”
  • 0900 – Check-in begins – if you are getting a rental, you should be here no later than 900.
  • 0930 – Check-in closes – if you arrive after 930, you will not be allowed to play
  • 1000 – Safety/mission briefings – after the briefings, chrono opens.
  • 1045 – Chrono closes – If you have not been chrono’d by 1045, you will not be allowed to play
  • 1100 – Game starts


Age Limit

You must be at least 12 years old to participate at Southern Aroostook Action Sports.  Those under 18 must have waivers signed by a parent or legal guardian. Those 12 to 14 must also be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian OR an adult friend or relative who the parent/legal guardian appoints (and signed waivers for both).

We will absolutely NOT accept a waiver from someone under 18 years of age that was not filled out and signed by their parent/legal guardian.


RiskWhile the obvious inherent risk is the fact people are shooting at other people with hard plastic BBs, bear in mind that the forest is full of rocks, roots, fallen logs and other obstacles. The only way to eliminate all risk is to simply not play.


Safe Zone

The area around and including the parking lot is known as the Safe Zone where no shooting is allowed, not even dry firing. Your gun magazine needs to be out of your gun while in the Safe Zone. Barrel socks are highly recommended. Stay away from all farm structures, equipment, and livestock.


Hot Zone

The airsoft playing area is known as the Hot Zone. You must be at least 12 years old to play airsoft at Southern Aroostook Action Sports or to enter the Hot Zone.



The only allowed projectiles are 6mm bio BBs specifically meant for airsoft.  What this implicitly means is:

  • No paintballs/paintball markers
  • No gelballs/gelball blasters
  • No explosive RPGs like Taginn’s “Reaper”
    • Grenades must be “pull the pin and toss”, not “shoot someone in the head with one”.
  • No chalk rounds
  • No metal or ceramic ball bearings
  • No “combat arrows”.


Eye Protection

You are required to wear eye protection (eyepro) at all times while in the Live-fire Zone. Do not remove your eyepro while you are in the Hot Zone. Ever.

  • Eyepro must provide a full seal around your eyes – shooting glasses are not acceptable.
  • Eyepro must be attached to your head with an elastic strap so that they won’t fall off easily – regular eyeglass temple arms that rest on the ears are not acceptable.
  • Eyepro must meet or exceed ANSI Z87+ standards for ballistic protection.

Goggle fogging is a major problem for many airsofters. Anti-fogging products can be your most valuable airsoft investment. As a reminder, we have ExFog units for sale in The Bunker.

If your goggles fog up completely, ask a friend escort you to the Safe Zone where the condensation can be removed.


Face Protection

Rigid full-face protection (facepro) made from metal mesh or strong plastic is required at SAASMaine for all players under 18, and highly recommended for everyone.



The biggest hazard on the field is not the BB gunfire. It’s the environment. Watch your step as you move through rough terrain to save yourself from tripping and falling, and don’t hit your head on low branches.

SAASMaine have a wide cariety of terrain, for a flat open field to a deceptively deep swamp. We have knolls and swales and jagged rocks and half-rotten tree stumps. For players not familiar with the northern Maine woods, it can be intimidating.


Heat & DehydrationWatch yourself and your friends for heat-related emergencies and dehydration. Your earliest warning is thirst. Drink before you get thirsty. You’re probably not getting enough fluid and electrolytes if you have a headache, dark urine, or major muscle spasms such as leg cramps.If you develop nausea, dizziness, or difficulty concentrating, you need to promptly stop playing so that you can rest and rehydrate. Watch out for your buddies and immediately call for help if you notice any confusion or loss of consciousness.

The field provides a water cooler filled with water at each Command Post (CP). The player will provide their own refillable container.


Channel 11 and Radios

It’s important for your tactical success and safety that you have a two-way radio while on the field.

In the event of an emergency such as someone getting seriously hurt, you will want to immediately contact field staff using FRS Channel 11 on your radio. You may also use channel 11 to ask about game rules clarification.

Hold down the push-to-talk button for about a second before speaking so that your first words will be transmitted. Always make certain that your radio is set in PTT (Push-To-Talk) mode and never on VOX (Voice Activation) mode. If it sounds like someone’s radio is set to VOX, please ask the players around you to recheck their radio settings.

Click on the table for a copy and paste-able list of frequencies.


Field Boundary

Because we are in our first years of operation, there is still a lot to be done with the field.  However, the boundary is dictated by our property lines to the north, west, and south.  The eastern boundary is as drawn to prevent one of our farm animals from being shot.  No, an airsoft BB won’t hurt them, but they aren’t wearing eyepro, nor have they signed a waiver.

Overall field size is measured at 26.4 acres, but it is surrounded by thousands of acres of forest.  There’s plenty of places to get lost, or mired if you happen across a bog.

Please click the thumbnail on the left to see a larger version of the map. We will continue to GPS and draw the paths to provide you with the most accurate map as possible.



Ticks and Lyme disease are a huge problem for airsofters in Maine, although we have not seen many around this far north. We recommend applying a bug repellent that has at least 20% DEET for the skin and a clothing spray that contains 0.5% permethrin. Always use a mirror or a friend to inspect your entire body for ticks as soon as you get home.

While we may not have ticks (yet), we have an abundance of mosquitoes and blackflies. Plan appropriately.  We will try to maintain a stock of permethrin spray at the field for players.


Prohibited Items

Alcohol and illicit drugs are strictly prohibited.

Other forbidden items include anything with an open flame such as flares, firecrackers, pyrotechnics, or any smoke/projectile grenades with exposed fuses. However, specially trained Southern Aroostook Action Sports volunteer staff might use some of these items at scripted times to enhance an in-game theatrical effect.

Real steel guns are prohibited at Southern Aroostook Action Sports. Don’t bring any non-airsoft weapons onto the field such as metal BB guns, pellet guns, sling shots, or archery. Never use a real knife to simulate an attack against another player.

We allow the use of soft boffer foam weapons at some of our events, but these items need to be pre-approved by the event organizer and field staff.




No person shall be denied participation at Southern Aroostook Action Sports on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. All forms of sexual harassment are always prohibited. Bullying and intimidation are forbidden unless it is scripted into a role-playing aspect of the game to which all involved parties have consented.

  • All forms of sexual harassment are always prohibited.
  • Do not use any language that is deemed verbally aggressive: threats, slurs, vulgar gestures, or condescending language. Do not call the other team “pussies”. Do not use the word “gay” as a synonym for dumb or lame or stupid.
  • Bullying and intimidation are forbidden unless it is scripted into a role-playing aspect of the game. Even in “pseudo rage” do NOT use slurs or condescending language.


Airsofters often scream and cuss at each other. You might get yelled at, but please don’t take it personally. The stress of conflict simulation often brings out the worst behaviors in all of us. Excessive rage and profanity surfaces within the culture of airsoft especially during high-intensity firefights. Try to take it in as an exciting part of the simulation and know that the person hollering at you will probably be smiling and apologetic later in the day.


Safety from Theft

When not in use, store your property in your vehicle and keep the doors locked. Southern Aroostook Action Sports and staff are not responsible for lost, stolen, vandalized, damaged, or destroyed property.

Inversely, if something’s not yours, leave it alone.



Airsoft is a game of honor. We call our hits and operate on an honor system. Honor is fundamental to the basic function of an airsoft game. Honor is adherence to what is right and fair. It is also your source of distinction within the community such as your status or reputation. Honor is synonymous with respect and value. So, act honorably, and you will be treated with honor.



Honesty in airsoft is about not cheating. If the game rules state that you’re supposed to sit for three minutes after getting hit, then you are expected to sit for three full minutes. Two minutes and 50 seconds isn’t long enough.Most importantly, call your hits! Honest players always call their hits. It is the most necessary part of the game. Airsoft is all about give/take/sharing. There’s a lot more glory in taking a good hit than getting a kill.



Never assume that your BBs are hitting your target unless you actually see them hit and bounce off. Also, don’t assume that everyone else’s gun is as accurate as yours. Don’t assume that their gun can hit you at range with only one or two shots. Sometimes, it may take a cluster of several shots for there to be any chance of one BB hitting you. We have a wide range of equipment technology and experience levels on the field. Please be tolerant and forgiving especially with new players.


Lead by Example

Set a good example for those around you by keeping your cool when things get heated. Never scream at others to call their hits. A truly honorable and disciplined airsofter would never call an opponent’s hit, not even quietly or politely. If you notice someone blatantly violating the rules, we have field moderators who are interested in hearing from you and gathering the facts of the situation. Don’t argue with anyone directly.


Understand Rules

Airsoft game rules are often complicated. If you’re unsure about a rule, please ask a moderator. Don’t quote game rules to other players unless you have a printed copy of them in your pocket. Likewise, if another player quotes a rule to you that sounds dubious, please contact a mod for clarification.

Embedded MODs

Southern Aroostook Action Sports has embedded moderators or OCs (Observer/Controllers) who appear to be regular players, but they are actually undercover field moderators. All field moderators have the authority to call players out or alter the game rules at any time. If you feel that a moderator is abusing his or her power, please contact the field manager on duty.


Field Limits


FPS Limit (AEG/HPA/Gas pistols): 1.858 joulesThe airsoft weapons allowed at Southern Aroostook Action Sports are limited to a muzzle energy of no more than 1.858 joules which is the same as 400 feet-per-second (fps) using BBs that have a mass of 0.25 grams. We routinely conduct chronographic testing to verify that no one’s gun is shooting over this limit.


FPS Limit (DMR): 2.26J with 75’ MEDThe Designated Marksman Rifle, or DMR, is based on semi-automatic realsteel rifles used in combat for longer, more accurate shots, but without the slower reload time of a bolt action.

In airsoft, the designated marksman is a support and suppression role, much like a SAW gunner, but instead of accuracy through volume, the designated marksman relies on accurate long-range shots. The difference between the designated marksman and sniper is that the designated marksman stays with their squad, while snipers tend to operate in a team of two (spotter and sniper), or as usual in airsoft, a team of one.

Designated marksmen should have accurate longer-range and more powerful rifles than a standard rifleman. These are referred to as a Designated Marksman Rifle, or DMR, and are not widely used in Maine.

DMRs are a time-consuming and EXPENSIVE upgrade. Stock components are typically not beefy enough to withstand the awesome strain put on them from the stronger spring, which is usually an M140 or stronger. This means a high torque motor in concert with specialized gears. It means having a radiused gearbox. Even with HPA, it means a better barrel. It means a better bucking. It means using heavier, and more expensive, BBs.

Due to the increased power, there are some limitations on the DMR:

  • Joules limit: 2.26j
  • Medium Engagement Distance (MED): 75 feet.  A secondary that shoots under 1.86j is required.
  • The DMR must be semi-locked. This means that the rifle is physically unable to fire in full auto.
    • Binary triggers on DMRs are expressly FORBIDDEN.
  • The only replicas allowed to be DMRs are ones whose real steel counterpart fires 7.62 NATO (or greater).
  • They must be equipped with a magnifier optic.


FPS Limit (Bolt Action Sniper Rifle): 3.513 joules with 100′ MEDA special category of airsoft replica that is allowed to shoot up to a higher muzzle energy of no more than 3.513 joules which is the same as 550 feet-per-second (fps) using BBs that have a mass of 0.25.  Due to the awesome power of the BASR, they are heavily restricted.

  • Joule limit: 3.513 joules.
  • Medium Engagement Distance (MED): 100 feet.  A secondary that shoots under 1.86j is required.
  • Minimum length of no less than 36 inches butt to muzzle.
  • Must be designed to require the operator to perform a bolt-action movement before each squeeze of the trigger.
  • Must have a magnifier optic.

they must be at least 100 feet away from their target before firing. Shooters who break this 100-foot minimum-engagement-distance (MED) rule will be prohibited from using these guns at Southern Aroostook Action Sports and may be ejected from the property for violating field safety.


Semi, Auto, and RPS
Events will state if they are are semi-only, or if full auto is allowed.  Please note that any area designated as CQB is semi only.

  • Semi-auto is a firing mode in which one BB is shot per full cycling of the trigger (squeeze and release).
    • If a player has a binary trigger, we will allow that with a 50′ MED.
  • Full-auto is the mode of operation of a firearm whereupon the trigger is pulled and multiple shots are fired and will continue to fire until the trigger is released or until the magazine is empty.
    • There is a 50′ MED for any replica on full-auto.
  • Do not shoot a player from behind on full auto.  Either switch to semi, use a secondary that is single fire, or attempt a knife kill.
  • Max RPS is 25 rounds per second.  That’s 1,500 BBs per minute.  That’s nearly $8 in BBs in one minute.


Special Considerations For Pallet Fort

Pallet fort is a designated CQB area as it is only 4900+/- square feet in size.  MEDs are calculated from the perimeter of Pallet Fort, not the distance from the shooter.  This is a very important distinction to make.  Please reference the  image to the right (click to expand).  You will note that the two closest tire piles to the west and east are exactly 50′ from Pallet Fort.  You will also note that the open field to the north and south are within 50′ from Pallet Fort.

  • Absolutely no full auto allowed point-to-point inside Pallet Fort.  This means that if you and your target are both within the perimeter of Pallet Fort, neither of you may use full auto.
  • Players inside Pallet Fort may use full auto for all targets more than 50′ from Pallet Fort, if it is approved for the game.  Please note that this could mean an opposing player could actually be more than 100′ from you.
    • If you are engaging a player between Pallet Fort wall and either of the tire piles, or between Pallet Fort wall and in the open field to the north or south, you must switch to semi auto.
  • Players outside Pallet Fort may not use full auto if they are within 50′ of Pallet Fort, if it is approved for the game.  Please note that this could mean an opposing player could actually be more than 100′ from you.
    • If you are engaging a player inside Pallet Fort and you are between Pallet Fort wall and either of the tire piles, or between Pallet Fort wall and in the open field to the north or south, you must switch to semi auto.

Included on this image is the 100 foot MED for snipers.


LMGs/SAWs (Light Machine Guns/Squad Automatic Weapons)

SAWs are allowed, with some caveats:

  • 1.86 joules limit with 50′ MED
  • LMG/SAW must be a replica of an actual LMG/SAW.  A souped-up MP5 is not an LMG/SAW.
  • Must be mounted (bipod down and sitting on something.. a barrel, wall, rock, stump, the ground, etc.).
    • We realize that bipods easily break, and are either prohibitively expensive, or difficult to source.  So long as the replica is resting on something, we’re not going to squawk about it.  We just don’t want someone out there Ramboing the damn thing.
  • LMG/SAW gunner should have a secondary, such as a pistol or AEG that fires on semi
  • Approved replicas (if yours isn’t on this list and you think it should be, let’s chat about it):
  • M249 / MK46 / FN MINIMI and all variants.
  • M60 / MK 43 and all variants
  • M240 / FN MAG and all variants
  • PK / PKM / PKP and all variants
  • Stoner 63 / Stoner MK23
  • Stoner 96 / KAC LMG
  • RPK (Must be a true RPK Replica, with full stock & Bipod)
  • RPK 16 (Must be a true RPK 16 replica)
  • MG36 (Must be a true MG36 replica, no C / K variants)
  • Shrike / Fightlite MCR. Must be an accurate replica, no slim aftermarket handguard, must have a belt fed upper
  • MG42
  • RPD
  • Type 96
  • ZB 26 / ZB 30
  • M1919
  • Galil ARM (Must be a true Galil ARM replica)


Gun Safety
Always treat all firearms as if they are loaded. This includes airsoft guns. Always keep your gun pointed in a safe direction. Never point a firearm at anyone or anything that should not be shot. Never look down the barrel of your gun.Always keep your finger off the trigger, outside of the trigger guard, and your selector on SAFE until you are ready to fire. Always be fully aware of exactly what your target is, what is around it, and what is behind it. Always remove your gun magazine and fire twice to clear your hop-up chamber before exiting the Live-fire Zone.


Injury from BBs
Airsoft devices can be very dangerous. 400 fps > 272 mph!Airsoft BBs can become lodged in your skin and cause permanent scars. They can chip and break off your teeth. Dental repair work can cost thousands of dollars. This is why we recommend full-face protection for everyone.


Shooter’s Responsibility
The shooter of the airsoft replica should never be reckless when engaging a target; every trigger pull is a decision. This means that you are responsible for the trajectory and number of BBs that fly out of your gun.
  • Never allow your trigger finger to be controlled by fear, excitement, stress, haste, or anger.
  • Remember to slow down, breathe deeply, and think before you squeeze.
  • Always take into consideration the proximity and vulnerability of the human body part at which you are aiming.
  • Please aim lower when you get really close to a standing target.
  • Aim for center mass rather than a headshot especially at close range.

Southern Aroostook Action Sports and Airsoft Maine require that you switch to semi-auto and never spray full-auto when within 50 feet of your target. Your selector switch should be set to SEMI whenever you are inside our built-up close-quarters battle area.

It is the responsibility of the shooter to be able to see and hear their target call HIT.  Overshooting will not be tolerated.  Be judicious with your suppression fire and always use short, controlled bursts (butterbutterjam).


IFF (Identification Friend or Foe)

Typically, colored armbands are used to denote which team a player is on and for easy target identification.  If armbands are issued, each player must apply at least one to their non-dominant arm.  This means if the player is right-handed, the armband goes on their left arm, and vice versa.  Do not remove or switch armbands.

Ghillie snipers may opt to apply an armband to their non-dominant arm, so long as it’s not completely covered by 3-D camo, or the ankle of their choice.  Either way, it’s going to be difficult for a player to immediately discern which team the ghillie sniper is on, so friendly fire incidents may be increased.

Armbands will be returned in good serviceable condition to their appropriate container in The Bunker.


Safety Kills (Bang-Bang Rule)
Our field does not have a mandatory safety kill or “bang-bang” rule that is often used during close-proximity engagements at other airsoft fields. Players at Southern Aroostook Action Sports are encouraged to shoot each other with a single shot to a non-sensitive area when at point-blank range. We support this because getting shot by a BB is a lot more immediate and decisive in determining a hit rather than having to follow a complicated safety-kill rule set that involves distance estimation and dispute challenges.Alternatively, generous players may sometimes offer for their targets to call themselves out, but this is only a polite courtesy and is usually performed by offering for them to surrender. This option is not required and doesn’t need to be adhered to by the targeted player who could try to quickly turn around and shoot first. So, always keep your gun aimed at your opponent and ready to fire in these situations. Don’t divert your muzzle away until after your opponent has agreed to the surrender and has acknowledged it by donning a red rag.


No Blind Firing
Blind firing is when you hide behind cover and stick your gun out to start shooting without being able to see what you’re shooting at. This is prohibited at Southern Aroostook Action Sports because it’s too dangerous.  Do not fire unless you are looking through the sights (or optic) down the length of your gun.


Forbidden Targets
Never shoot at a person who is not wearing adequate eye protection. Always ask yourself if your target is wearing eye-pro before pulling the trigger. Beware of curious non-players who might wander onto the field during an airsoft game. If this happens, tell them to cover their eyes with their hands, and put your red rag on their heads. Yell for all airsofters in the area to stop shooting and call for a field moderator to assist them off the field.Never deliberately shoot at a player who is wearing a red rag. Avoid shooting anyone who is wearing bright orange or yellow vests/hats because these are worn by dedicated field moderators, photographers, or special observers who are not playing. Never shoot at birds or other critters – especially the farm’s livestock. Please also do not shoot at the greenhouses, house, sheds, barns, or any of the farm equipment and vehicles.


No Hard Contact
Avoid physically touching other players unless you’re shaking hands, healing someone back in, simulating a player being dragged, escorting a captured player with your hand on his or her arm, or gently tapping someone with an approved boffer in games where boffers are permitted. Never tackle, shove, punch, kick, or bite anyone. Fist fighting will result in police intervention and expulsion from the property.


Stealth Kills
SAASMaine requires you to have a rubber training weapon (knife, hatchet, flamberge, whatever) if you wish to do knife kills.  Fingers, sticks, gun barrel, etc., do not count.To perform an effective and reasonable melee kill, simply place your approved melee weapon on your target’s shoulder and whispering “knife-kill” in the person’s ear. “Stealth kills” are always quiet.  The target must not yell out, just quietly don their dead rag.

    • NEVER throw your melee weapon at another player.
    • NEVER make a stabbing motion at another player.


Gun and Equipment Hits
Unless otherwise noted, gun hits count as player hits at Southern Aroostook Action Sports. And, so do hits to anything you are wearing or carrying such as a backpack or a portable game prop. Therefore, riot shields are worthless at Southern Aroostook Action Sports.


Friendly Fire
Friendly fire counts as a hit at Southern Aroostook Action Sports.


Explosive Devices
Explosive devices are not allowed (think fuse-lit fireworks, or other potentially harmful explosive device).Unless otherwise noted in the specific game rules, we welcome all of our players to use non-pyrotechnic explosive devices like the gas-powered Airsoft Innovations Cyclone Impact Grenade or the spring-loaded Duel Code Claymore Mine.  Enola Gaye and Taginn grenades are allowed.  40mm “grenade launchers”, etc., like the 40 Mike are allowed with a 20′ MED (in other words, please don’t point-blank fire 120+ BBs at another player).“Distraction” grenades, like the Hakkotsu Thunder B and clones are encouraged. We will be experimenting with blast radius rules:

      • If you are within 15’ of a grenade that explodes, you are hit.
      • If a grenade explodes inside a building or bunker, everyone in that area is hit (even if you may be beyond the blast radius). If a grenade goes off on the other side of a solid man-made barrier (pallets, tires, etc., you are NOT hit.)

If one of these grenades detonates within a multi-room structure, it is expected to cause hits to only the players who are located within the specific room where it exploded. Zoning ordinance prohibits us from putting roofs on our buildings, so pretend that a roof is there and don’t throw your grenades over them. However, you may toss your grenade through any open door or window. And, you may throw your grenades over any low walls that are less than 5’ tall. Never pick up a grenade to throw back at your enemy because it will very likely explode in your hand and could cause severe injuries.

Authorized field and game staff may occasionally operate explosive devices using methods that are beyond the limitations of this rule set as a means of safely enhancing an event.


Airsoft Night Game Rules Supplement

Night games introduce a completely new obstacle:  darkness.  Because of this, a lot of more traditional gameplay items are inappropriate to use.

IFF (Identification Friend or Foe)

Armbands obviously won’t work at night.  We may run with blue and green glowsticks, but if there isn’t a budget for that, then be careful.

Hit Indicators

Your dead rag cannot be seen at night.  We strongly recommend you invest in a red headlamp, a bike rear lamp, or even an airsoft-specific light that you can strap to your gear.

A lower budget idea would be to get a clear red plastic folder and simply cut a piece the same size as the lens on a flashlight and attach that to a flashlight that you can hang on your gear somewhere.

Or, of course, red glowsticks.  While most manufacturers will claim “4 to 8 hours”, plan on bringing more than one.  If everyone grabs a package of them at Walmart or the Dollar Store, then there should be plenty.


Many companies make bio tracer BBs.  Well, okay, most of them repackage BLS bio tracers.  Regardless, the operative thing here is *bio*.  Tracer BBs are more expensive, of course.

If you’re not familiar, you need a tracer unit along with the tracer BBs, otherwise the tracers won’t glow.  Acetech makes a range of tracer units to fit about any budget.  If you have a MAXX hop chamber, you can get an LED attachment for that.  However, last I knew, there were issues with things not working 100% correctly.  Perhaps they’ve figured it out and fixed it by now.

We do not yet sell tracers, but you can get BLS bio tracers from InfantryShop.


Regular flashlights are fine.  Please note that you may not use a red lens on your light unless you’re dead.  Yes, I know that white light destroys your “purple vision” (that’s what a Marine buddy of mine called it), you’ll be fine.  And yes, it’s more difficult to discern the exact point of origin of the white light when it’s diffused through underbrush and leaves.

Yes, Dragon, you can bring a spotlight.

NVGs, or Night Vision Goggles, will obviously provide a great deal of advantage.  For this reason, there must be an equal number of NVG users on each team.  Please note that “NVG” is being used as a broad term to cover anything that a player can use to see better at night, to include infrared optics, monoculars, cell phone attachments, etc.

Required items for night games

      • A red light or red or orange glowsticks to be used as a hit indicator. If you do not have one, you will not be allowed on the field after dark.  “Night” will be based on actual sunrise/sunset times for the gameday.
      • A regular clear-lensed flashlight (it’s good to have a light source when returning to spawn, or in case of an emergency).
      • Backup batteries for everything you bring.

Potential future required items:

      • Glowstick(s) in your team’s color.

Fun things to have for night games:

      • Tracers
      • NVG
      • IR-reflective IFF patches (ie. “ranger eyes”)


Prohibited items

      • Flares, fireworks, and anything else that produces excessive heat or sparks.




The use of vehicles in airsoft scenarios, provided they are under a heavily regulated set of guidelines, can add an extra layer of fun and strategy to an event. Launchers and rocket systems fall into the same category as well.

These rules are meant to balance safety, realism, and simulation in a way that allows all players to find a level of enjoyment in this wargame.

Rule 0 (Traversal, Basic Safety)

  • Anyone under the age of 18 must ride seated in the interior of the vehicle.
  • All combat vehicles must be painted in an approved military color, and flying their team’s flag. Non-military colors are not allowed (white, yellow, purple, pink, etc).
  • All gameplay vehicles must maintain a walking speed of 5 MPH or less during engagements and may never exceed 10 MPH while on the field.
  • Vehicles may never drive through smoke, tall grass, or poor terrain for any reason.
  • Exposed drivers must have full face-protection and all dedicated crew must have head protection.
  • All gameplay vehicles must furnish their own stop-watch and flags in their faction color (Green or Blue),as well as yellow and red.
  • All armed gameplay vehicles must adhere to the MED of their weapon systems.
  • Players under transport must be completely seated and may not hang on the exterior of a vehicle.
  • All vehicles must have a working fire extinguisher.

Rule 1 (Approval, Presentation, Classification)

The use of any vehicle on the playing field must be pre-approved by Bear at least two weeks prior to the event. Any field going vehicle must be physically inspected by the game staff prior to participating in the event. All gameplay vehicles must make an effort to mimic a military aesthetic and must adhere to the proper construction guidelines (defined below). We currently recognize the following vehicle classifications:

Personal Utility Vehicles (ATVs):

      • Personal vehicles approved by game control for use by faction leadership to assist in the transportation of players and supplies to staging areas.
      • These vehicles are NOT to be used in action and may NOT transport live players around the field.
      • Operators must possess a vehicle slip to bring their vehicles on the field.
      • These vehicles CANNOT be used in gameplay and must fly white flags at all times.

Light Fighting Vehicles (Guntrucks, Technicals, SxS):

      • Vehicles that simulate soft-skinned motorized trucks such as guntrucks and technicals.
      • Light vehicles may have a maximum of 3 gunner positions.
      • All gunners must be exposed from the chest up while firing, and murder holes are not allowed.
      • Only one LMG/SSW is allowed per light vehicle.
      • Anyone hit by a BB must be removed from the vehicle in order to be revived.
      • If a passenger is hit by a BB they are incapacitated the same way they would have been if they were on foot and must follow the same respawn/medic rules.
      • Operators must identify these vehicles with a block-letter “L” somewhere visible to staff/players (Car chalk).

Heavy Fighting Vehicles (Armor):

      • Vehicles that simulate heavy and tracked vehicles such as tanks and APCs. Legitimate heavy military vehicles fall under this category as do vehicles purpose built to simulate them.
      • Must have a fully constructed 360 top-mounted turret with a hard mounted launcher and 1 mounted coaxial airsoft gun.
      • Heavies may have a single additional “commander’s gun” firing from an EXPOSED position so that the gunner may be eliminated by infantry fire.
      • Must have some kind of “side skirt” to make the vehicle look more “tank like”. Must attempt to emulate a tracked fighting vehicle in design and decoration.
      • Windows are to be up and all buttoned crew must be completely protected from BB strikes with material.
      • Embarked passengers may not fire from heavies.
      • If a crewman is buttoned (turned in) and protected from fire by material that player may not be eliminated by BB strike.
      • Any crewman unbuttoned (turned out) and exposed through a hatch or cupola may be eliminated by a BB strike. Any live player that is “peeking” above material may be eliminated with a BB strike.
      • Heavy fighting vehicles may leave maintained roads and trails with a walking guide and clear visibility.
      • Heavies may be restricted to certain areas to prevent overshooting and safety hazards.
      • Operators must provide a second yellow flag for their turret and identify these vehicles with a block “H” letter somewhere visible to staff/players (Car chalk).

Rule 2 (Vehicle Eliminations)

All game-play vehicles must provide a stop-watch and any required flagging to participate. Flagging codes are defined as:


While a crew, walking guide, or anti-vehicle player is confirming a projectile hit the vehicle in question is a non-combatant until the hit is confirmed and cannot engage/be engaged.

Light Fighting Vehicle Eliminations

One hit from an anti-vehicle projectile disables a light vehicle. The driver must bring the vehicle to a stop as safely as possible. All crew members and passengers are still alive and may dismount the vehicle. Vehicle crew must raise a yellow flag to display that it has been disabled.

A second hit from an anti-vehicle projectile destroys a light vehicle. Any crew or passengers remaining within the vehicle are immediately eliminated and cannot be revived by a medic. Vehicle crew must raise a red flag to display that the vehicle has been destroyed and return to its designated staging to await respawn.

Vehicles may be forcibly respawned or repaired through the activation of a logistics card by their faction command and engineers.

If the driver is hit, everyone is hit and cannot be revived by a medic.  All players inside the vehicle must return to respawn in the vehicle.

Heavy Fighting Vehicle Eliminations

One hit from an anti-vehicle projectile disables a heavy. The driver must bring the vehicle to a stop as safely as possible. All crew members and passengers are still alive and may dismount the vehicle. Vehicle crew must raise a yellow flag to display that it has been disabled.

A second hit from an anti-vehicle projectile disables a heavy’s turret and restricts the vehicle to a single “commander’s gun”. The vehicle must raise an additional yellow flag from their turret.

A third hit from an anti-vehicle projectile destroys a heavy. Any crew or passengers remaining within the vehicle are immediately eliminated and cannot be revived by a medic. Vehicle crew must raise a red flag to display that the vehicle has been destroyed and return to its designated staging area to await respawn.

Vehicles may be forcibly respawned or repaired through the activation of a logistics card by their faction command and engineers.

Rule 3 (Launchers, Projectiles, Anti-Vehicle Players)

All gameplay vehicles may only be eliminated by approved projectiles from pre-approved launchers that must be inspected and tagged by game control before play.

All anti-vehicle players must have a yellow cloth to use to flag-down an unaware eliminated vehicle. While flying their yellow cloth they are a non-combatant.

After notifying a vehicle of a hit an anti-vehicle player must return to their original approximate area of play before going live again.


Only foam projectiles may be used in Launchers with the exception of TAGinn FOAM/CHALK projectiles.


BB shells (such as Masterkey rounds) for launchers are allowed outside of buildings and with a 50 foot Minimum Engagement Distance.

All launchers and projectiles are subject to review by event staff.

Rule 4 (Tank Referees/Walking guides)

All combat vehicles must provide a dedicated tank referee also called a walking guide or tank walker. These persons are comped and must be marked down on a crew roster at check-in.

If at any time a gameplay-vehicle leaves a maintained road or is operating near players, that vehicle should deploy a walking guide.

If at any time the vehicle is engaged/engaging other vehicles or players a walking guide should be deployed to maintain safety and accountability.

Walking guides must be high-visibility and cannot be eliminated. Walking guides must stay within close proximity of their vehicle to allow it to move and may carry shields to protect themselves from fire.

Walking guides must:

Prevent their vehicle from traveling in an unsafe direction.

Call their vehicle out if hit with an anti-vehicle projectile or mine.

Flag down unaware vehicles that have been hit with an anti-vehicle projectile.

Walking guides must keep all players 5 feet from the vehicle while in motion.

Maintain comms with their vehicle’s driver to ensure safety.

Walking guides CANNOT assist their vehicle in engaging the enemy by marking targets or acting unsportsmanlike. Walking guides are expected to be truthful and fair and disciplinary action will be taken against a vehicle as a whole if a walking guide does not adhere to these guidelines.

Rule 5 (Accountability, Game Control, Radios, Vehicle Caps, Ref. Photos)

The commander of a vehicle is responsible for the conduct of their crew. Drivers must be of legal age with valid drivers licenses. All crew are required to be listed on a tank form at check in or prior to the event. All vehicles must have some kind of liability insurance, proof of insurance must be shown to the organizers at check-in.

If a vehicle is disrupting game flow in a way that hinders the majority of players from having a good time, game control reserves the right to ask the vehicle to alter its behaviour. Vehicles are not permitted to “dogpile” an area on the field.

Radios are required and spare radios may be issued to vehicles by game control. Any radio equipment loaned must be returned to game control at the end of the week. Vehicle commanders should plan on having a dedicated radio install and antenna if possible.





    • A minimum of one person is to be designated as the Referee for each Paintball game. The Referee will be the one who starts the game, stops the game for paint checks, decides the issues that may arise and who ends the game. The Referee should have a whistle for signaling the start, stopping and ending of the game. As with all games, it does not pay to contradict the decisions of the Referee, decisions by Referees and Judges are final and unarguable.
    • A player is out of the game if he/she is hit by a marking pellet (paintball) and it Breaks on him, this includes his clothing, gun or equipment. It doesn’t matter whether the player is shot by an opposing player or a teammate (friendly fire). When a player is marked he/she is to immediately call themselves “OUT or HIT”. She/he must then hold their gun over their head, continue to call out “OUT or HIT” and leave the playing field by the shortest and safest route.
    • A player is not considered out of the game if he/she is struck by a marking pellet (paintball) and it does not break. A player is not considered out of the game if he/she is struck by a
      splatter from a marking pellet (paintball). Splatter is considered to be the spray or fragments from a marking pellet that has broken on an object such as a tree, bush, rock, barricade, etc., close to the player. If a player calls himself/herself “OUT or HIT”, because they think that they have been hit by a marking pellet (paintball), he/she is immediately out of the game and must leave by the shortest and safest route. Even if the player discovers that they were not hit, after they make the call they are out and must leave the playing field at once.

BLIND FIRING is not allowed. Do not fire if you can’t see what you are firing at. Many players are tempted to stick their guns out from behind a barricade and fire, which can lead to accidentally shooting players who are leaving the field, referees, or other things you shouldn’t shoot at.

    • If two or more players mark each other simultaneously, both players are eliminated. Under most conditions both players must be eliminated.
    • If there is a question as to whether a player has been marked, call for a “Paint Check”, that’s what the Referee is for. When a Paint Check is called the game comes to a stop, all players remain where they are until the Referee clears the problem and restarts the game. Note also, that during a Paint Check all players remain where they are when the Paint Check was called and by leaving that position during a Paint Check they can be called out by the Referee or by a player reporting their movement to the Referee.
    • Predetermine the length of the game. Most games run 15 to 30 minutes, with 20 minutes being the average. The Referee will be the one who keeps track of the time. By setting time limits you make for a more aggressive game. If no one wins, who cares, go on to the next game and try some new strategy. Have Rest Periods between games. Predetermine their length and have the Referee keep track of the time. The Rest Periods allow the players to refresh themselves, to talk over the game that they have just played, to reload ammunition and Co2 gas, and to clean or repair equipment.
    • If the game is a Flag Game, only one player is permitted to guard the flag at the station. If the guardian gets eliminated from the game, he/she leaves the flag at the point where he/she got shot.
    • Whether “Dead Man Walking –DMW” is allowed or not needs to be predetermined by the teams. DMW is when a player, although not hit, walks alongside players who got shot and are walking out of the game field. This deception gives him/her the advantage to change his/her shelter or to get nearer to the rivals.
    • “Dead Man Silent” is when a player gets hit and walks out of the field. During this walk he/she is not allowed to speak to any of the players. A marked player is to walk out of the
      field and to report immediately to the Referee for a paint check.
    • We are a field paint only facility. All paintballs must be purchased on-site. No carry-on paintballs are allowed. (Still deliberating this)
    • Paintballs purchased cannot be returned for reimbursement
    • Every team has a captain. Team captains have to wave to the Referee, in order for the game to begin. The referee blows the whistle and the game officially begins.
    • Boundaries of the playing field are marked. Be sure that all players and the Referees understand where they are located. The rules are:
        • During the playing of a game, any player/players caught outside of the Boundaries are out of the current game and are to leave the play field area at once.
        • Any and all shots fired from outside the Boundaries do not count.
        • No leaving and returning to the playing field is allowed during a game.
        • Once you are outside the Boundaries you are out of the current game.
        • Only the game players and the Referee(s) are allowed on the playing field during the playing of a game.
        • If an unauthorized person enters the playing field the game is to come to an immediate stop until that person leaves the playing field.
        • Review the field Boundaries.
    • No player may enter or attempt to enter a playing field for a game without having signed a waiver.

Safety Rules

    • Participants are not allowed to wear shorts or t-shirts during the game. All players are required to wear long-sleeved shirts and full length pants. Arms and legs must be fully covered during play.
    • During a game, masks/goggles are to be worn at all times by all persons on the playing field or near other people who are playing. This rule is strictly enforced and players that violate this rule are given at most one warning before they are disqualified to play. If a players’ mask falls off during a game, he or she should immediately lie face down on the ground and cover his/her head. Any player who sees this should alert the referee and other players to stop the game until the player is able to replace their goggles.
    • No physical interaction whatsoever is allowed between players.
    • It is forbidden to shoot from a distance under 10 to 15 feet. The capsule leaves the barrel with an average speed of 280’ per second which is equivalent to 200 mph and this may lead to injuries. If the distance between two rival players is less than 10 to 15 feet, either both players increase the distance, or the Referee stops the game.
    • If a player holds his/her gun with both hands stretched out over their head, no one is to shoot at the player. This movement is only allowed if the player is eliminated, runs out of ammo, or in case of an emergency.
    • An eliminated player cannot shoot while walking out of the field, nor is he/she to be shot at.
    • Referees under no circumstances are to be shot at or hit.
    • It is strictly forbidden to bring or consume drugs or alcohol of any kind before, during, or after the game.

Additional Safety Rules and Precautions

    • Paint guns must have a barrel sock covering the barrel at all times, except while on the playing field. In case your gun has Co2 leakage, avoid coming into contact with the gas. Co2 has a freezing temperature (-76º C) and this may cause local chills or possible burns on the skin. If your gun is leaking, put it aside and call the Referee.
    • Paintball velocity: All Markers are to be checked by chronograph prior to use on the course. In addition to the mandatory use of masks, paintball markers for this course must not fire paintballs that exceed a range of 280 feet per second. The industry standard maximum velocity is 300 feet per second (about 200 miles per hour). Paintballs traveling faster than 300 fps will leave large bruises and can potentially break the skin or even fingers.
    • Paintball velocity is measured using a chronograph. All persons playing will be required to measure their paintball velocity using the on-site chronograph. It is important that markers be chronographed after any adjustment or replacement of parts (e.g. the barrel) that might significantly change the marker’s velocity. The course provides metered compressed air onsite at no charge.
    • Always be prepared in case your paint gun malfunctions. Bring spare parts and tools with you to the playing field. The main tools that you should have are: a pair of pliers, a set of Allen wrenches, screwdrivers, and a small crescent wrench.
    • Do not carry your gun by the Co2 supply hose, or the gas might leak and cause your gun to malfunction.
    • The most important thing to remember about playing paintball is to clean your equipment after every game. It is important to have all your equipment working at its peak performance from your goggles to your paint gun. Always, after a day of paintball, break down your paintball gun, clean it completely and lubricate it before you put it away. This will insure that it will be ready to go the next time you want to play and you can avoid malfunctions.
    • Never leave your paintball equipment unattended and always keep it locked up when not being used.
    • Do not take your mask off until the game is over and you are off the field. Injuries occur because someone removed their mask at an inappropriate time.
    • Players under 10 years of age must have a parent or guardian present at all times during play.
    • Players should hydrate frequently, every time they come off the field. Water is best.
    • Tools of any kind are not allowed on the paintball field at any time. If repairs are needed on equipment, you must leave the field of play.
    • Do not leave guns or full CO² tanks in the sun.




Safety is the most important feature of a Nerf war. Nerf battles are for friendly competition, thrilling strategy contests, and a good time. Nerf battles are not for serious injuries or trips to the hospital. Safety rules are the most important of Nerf war rules, and should be followed diligently in order for everyone to have a good time.

    • No physical contact. The first safety rule is one of the most important. There is no hitting, kicking, pushing, pulling, wrestling, or physical attacking involved in Nerf wars. The only physical contact that should be made with another player is in the form of tapping, which is used to get someone “out”, to “revive” someone, or to save them from a hostage situation.
    • No intentional face shots. We get it, sometimes you accidentally hit the face and that’s okay. As long as you are not intentionally aiming right between the eyes, you can simply apologize for a face shot and move on.
    • Always wear eye protection. During your Nerf war battles, it’s important to keep on protective eyewear at all times. This can protect you from those accidental face shots from the enemy team, as well as keep you from taking penalties.
    • The use of melee weapons is not allowed, you may only tap. Do not strike. Most Nerf battles prohibit the use of melee weapons. However, if you do end up in a Nerf battle that involves swords and other melee products, make sure to softly tap instead of swinging when hitting an enemy.

Other safety rules include the use of modified weapons. In some games, modified blasters will be allowed. In all standard stock games, however, modified guns are not allowed. You must use the standard Nerf stock weapons only.

Combat Rules

Safety rules are entailed by combat rules, which are tied closely to the instructions of each game or match. While combat rules may differ for your team, there is a general way of doing things that makes it much easier to coordinate a battle:

    • Do not leave the base until the main whistle blows. There is a warning whistle about 30 seconds before the main whistle, which can release you into the battle.
    • Play honestly. If you get hit, that makes you dead or wounded. Make sure to play fair and fall down if you do get hit.
    • Players decide how many hits to take before being declared as “out”. In a typical Nerf war, players are only allowed to become hit once before they are out. Once a player is out, they must return to the base to respawn, or they can lay on the ground and wait until a teammate revives them by tapping on their body with their hand. A player’s ability to respawn or become revived by a teammate depends on the amount of lives they have. The amount of lives is typically established before the game.
    • Other rules can be established. Before the battle begins, your team and the enemy team can discuss a custom set of rules to put in place. If you want, you can allow players to use customized Nerf weapons, melee weapons, or more. Or, you can severely limit the weapon choices to make it a much more challenging battle.
    • Hits to the head and torso count as kills. Hits in all other locations, such as the arms, legs, or side, count as injuries but not deaths.
    • If you die on your last life, you must leave the game. This includes laying down your weapon and your bullets on the ground, and leaving the playing area as immediately as you can.
    • Teams can be uneven. Typically, the number of people on each team is equal; however, teams can be uneven due to skill. Most Nerf battlers like to balance teams based on ability and player skill rather than just sheer numbers.

By playing fairly, everyone can have a smooth Nerf war. It’s never fun being the one to get hit, but the deaths and lives system is what helps the teams determine who wins.

Equipment Rules

    • Don’t use damaged darts. Damaged darts will jam your gun. It’s best to leave a damaged dart on the ground.
    • Do not throw darts. Nerf darts are made to be loaded into your gun, and should be treated like actual bullets. They cannot be thrown.
    • Try not to damage the darts. You should avoid stepping on, stuffing, or roughly handling darts. They damage easily.

General Rules

In general, there are a set of rules that should always be followed when establishing parameters and guidelines:

    • Only Nerf guns may be used. No water guns or other toys.
    • Do not throw or drop guns. Nerf guns can break easily!
    • You cannot loot dead players’ weapons and darts.
    • No going outside of battle zones. This applies to any Nerf war game type.

By following the rules of honor, safety, combat, and equipment, you can be on your way to having a smooth and fun Nerf war course. Understanding Nerf war rules can bring you closer to figuring out which type of Nerf battle you’d like to have. Other than the safety rules and general rules, these rules can be changed or modified according to what you and your team agree on.

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  • The people that run this field are amazing! They are all about making sure that everyone has fun and it is a chilled and relaxed game. Cant wait... read more

    Soup's World (Dewey Oxberger) Avatar Soup's World
    November 1, 2023
  • Marawynn Bruce Avatar Marawynn Bruce
    November 1, 2023
  • Love playing airsoft at SAAS! Great players and staff, always great times! Can’t wait for the next season opener!

    Andrew Poirier Avatar Andrew Poirier
    November 1, 2023
  • If you’re a newbie (like me), played a few times, or a hard core air softer, this is your place! The owners are the absolute coolest and the players... read more

    Amanda Garnett Avatar Amanda Garnett
    November 1, 2023
  • Two years ago I had never set foot on an airsoft field. I knew nothing about the sport and I had absolutely no gear. Tess and Jon had me outfitted... read more

    Bobbie Adams Avatar Bobbie Adams
    February 2, 2023
  • Every time I visit this place, they surprise me with new trails, structures, game modes, props, supplies, and generous amenities that make me feel welcomed and appreciated. The other... read more

    Omego Airsoft Avatar Omego Airsoft
    February 2, 2023
  • Hard working and dedicated field owner(-s). Takes great inspiration from experience and listens to advise.

    Roger Friberg Avatar Roger Friberg
    February 2, 2023
  • I was just at their season opener and I gotta say this field is awesome! This field is awesome! Lots of woods with great pathways so you can get from... read more

    Andrew Poirier Avatar Andrew Poirier
    November 2, 2022
  • Cool field with very welcoming staff and a great group of players!

    Nick Beal Avatar Nick Beal
    November 2, 2021
  • Excellent Airsoft, Paintball, and Nerf field. Very nice owners. Has a good size to it. Nice forts and castle area. 10/10. Friendly fellow players to game with too. Took my... read more

    Paul Jans Avatar Paul Jans
    November 2, 2021

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