A question posed in response to the AEG vs. HPA blog: Maybe the next blog should be about maintenance? How… Continue Reading…
March 16, 2023
Everyone likes eXperience Points (XP). In the gaming world, more XP means higher levels which typically unlocks loadouts or special… Continue Reading…
March 4, 2023
Okay, gang… let’s talk airsoft safety. No, I don’t mean on the field; I mean everywhere BUT the field. I… Continue Reading…
March 15, 2023
We’re not going to sugarcoat this, but airsoft can be an expensive hobby. In addition to hundreds or even thousands… Continue Reading…
March 12, 2023
This will be my final word on the subject. Which is better? Neither. Which is worse? Neither. But before we… Continue Reading…
March 8, 2023
I’ve been getting some great feedback from the articles I’ve been writing, so thank you all for the support. Next… Continue Reading…
February 28, 2023
There is a lot of information (and misinformation) regarding airsoft motors out there. We’re going to try to break everything… Continue Reading…
February 25, 2023
I was struggling to think of a blog entry for this weekend, and field mom Morsel kind of half-smartassedly said… Continue Reading…
February 28, 2023
Fun fact: Direct current or DC electricity is the continuous movement of electrons from negative to positive through a conducting… Continue Reading…
March 14, 2023
The best way to start this blog is to outline exactly what airsoft is not. Airsoft is not about guns… Continue Reading…