Outhouse Rules
1. Be neat.
2. Leave it like you want to find it.
3. Leave paper for the next occupant (spare rolls in shop).
4. Put the lid down when done.
5. Please shut the door so critters don’t get in.
No: trash, tissues, paper towels, wipes, sanitary products, napkins, etc. Only toilet paper and human waste, please.
Respect people’s privacy! Peeping toms, clandestine photos/videos, and other inappropriate behavior will result in the offender being ejected from the property and invited to not return. Depending on the severity of the infraction, police may be called.
- Do not defecate in the shower. Use the outhouse.
- SHOWER SHOES! At no time you should be barefoot anywhere on our property. We can’t guarantee your foot safety.
- Yes, you may shower with another consenting person(s). As a reminder: people under 18 years old cannot legally consent to anything. If you are caught in the shower with an underage person, even if you yourself are underage, you will be asked to leave. If you are not underage, the police will be called.
- Respect people’s privacy! Peeping toms, clandestine photos/videos, and other inappropriate behavior will result in the offender being ejected from the property and invited to not return. Depending on the severity of the infraction, police may be called.
Outdoor Sink
- The sink will be capable of cold water only until further notice. It’s still good for filling canteens, brushing your teeth, and doing a cold hand/face wash as needed.
We’re happy to provide these facilities for the comfort and convenience of our players. Please don’t misuse or abuse them.