The Nations of SAASMaine

We have purposefully avoided naming names, with the exception of historical reenactment games, to avoid bringing any undue drama onto the field.  However, we are slowly filling the vague descriptions of “Blue Team” and “Green Team” with our own fictional countries and groups.  This list will serve as a primer to those countries and groups, so our players can, if they so choose, build loadouts based on them.

This list will be continuously updated as we add countries and groups.

World Police Organization (WPO)

The WPO is an intergovernmental military alliance between a bulk of the world governments.  Recommended camo: anything US- or EU-based. Recommended replicas include anything US- or EU-based.


Cardistan is a small tropical country that’s rich in crude oil, looking to make a name for itself and be a world power, instead of just being considered a third-world jungle.  Recommended camo: any jungle camo, OD, tiger stripe.  Recommended replicas to include anything Russian or Chinese.  Occasional US arms are okay too.

Nomads –The Nomads are an indigenous people that unfortunately were within the borders when Cardistan was formed. They have no alliance with the “Cardies”, nor do they recognize the authority of the WPO.  Recommended camo: basic civilian-ish attire, with rare occurrences of camo.  We recommend mixing it up with a combination of Southeast Asia and the Middle East.  Tactical gear is discouraged.  Recommended replicas similar to Cardistan.

United Freedom Alliance (UFA)

The UFA is a capitalism-based country with an eye on promoting democracy throughout the world.  Despite their reputation of being the “best country in the world”, there is a widening divide within the country: a small group of theocrats are attempting to take and maintain power, even through acts of domestic terrorism, while supporters’ of the nation’s basic doctrine have to continuously push back to maintain basic freedoms for everyone.